
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Integral Explorations of Sex, Gender and Spirituality: Emerging Visions of Women and Men

Interesting . . . this could be useful, or it could be more of the same old crap. With the inclusion of Marc Gafni (serial sexual manipulator) and Warren Farrell (anti-feminist), I'm betting on the latter.

At least people who buy this will be exposed to Robert Masters, one of the few integral thinkers I have seen writing on gender topics.

Apparently it will also include integral critic Joseph Gelfer, which is good to see.

Here is the blurb at the editor's blog.

Integral Explorations of Sex, Gender and Spirituality:

Emerging Visions of Women and Men

Edited with Vanessa Fisher
under contract for SUNY Press’ Integral Theory series
The material collected in Integral Exploration represents the first fruits of an exciting new field of theory and practice. This anthology highlights the cutting edge discourses on sex, gender and spirituality that are emerging from within the Integral paradigm of theory and practice. This collection of essays from academic theorists and advanced practitioners brings the Integral perspective to bear on issues of gender, sexuality, feminism, the men’s movement and women and men’s spirituality, as they appear within disciplines as diverse as psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious studies and art theory.
This anthology will appeal to a broad range of scholars and practitioners working across a diverse field of disciplines. This anthology will feature a broad range of scholars and practitioners working across a diverse field of disciplines including: Ken Wilber, Elizabeth Debold , Robert Masters, Warren Farrell, Sarah Nicholson, Giles Herrada, R. Michael Fisher, Claire Zammit, Luke Fullagar, Vanessa Fisher, Diane Musho Hamilton and Marc Gafni. We believe this book will find an extensive readership within Integral communities worldwide, as while the issues raised in this book are topical and highly contentious subjects, no other book has collected and dealt with the range of Integrally informed voices on these subjects in as comprehensive way.


  1. "this could be useful, or it could be more of the same old crap": LOL, I might get this as a tattoo. This thought crosses my mind every time I see something new about gender.

  2. Yeah, I know - same thing with anything called "integral" and associated with Wilber, et al. During the last ten years Wilberian integral theory has moved from inquiry to marketing product.

    In that light, I am working my way through your blog and liking what I'm reading. Thanks for putting your thoughts on the web.


  3. Hi William,

    As one of the editors of said book, I'd just like to reply to the concerns you've raised. In bringing this work together Vanessa Fisher and I have engage in the very difficult task of including both the Integral communities 'leading voices' and their critics. This hasn't been an easy task; there is alot of tension in the work. But the result is, hopefully, an anthology full of disparate voices, scope and complexity. In being so, it certainly shouldn't be the "same old crap".

    Dr Sarah Nicholson

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Sorry if I offended - I am VERY skeptical whenever I see Gafni included in anything - IMO, he is an example of shadow masculinity unhealed and run amok.

    I know that those of us who feel that way are in the minority, but there are many of us out here.

    Anyway, I look forward to seeing the book.


  5. Eh? Last time I looked, Marc Gafni was NOT one of the contributors to the book, and I have written a long review of it! Very interesting to note that opinions around the various players (Wilber, Farrel, Gafni, etc) seem to have hardened for a considerable number of people. I find this sad - whatever happened to thinking and feeling into the ideas and experience of the other?

  6. Gafni was listed by the publisher - if he wasn't included that is a HUGE plus.
