Got this email the other day - the panels for the 2010 Integral Theory Conference have been named.
I will be part of a panel on Friday along with Bert Parlee, Mark Forman, Pelle Billing, Diane Hamilton, and Gilles Herrada - Integral Masculinity: Are David Deida's and Warren Farrell's Visions of Masculinity "Integral?"
Friday, July 30 - PanelsHope to see some of you there. This should be an interesting topic - I'm guessing we will have a wide range of opinions on this particular topic.
Integral Masculinity: Are David Deida's and Warren Farrell's Visions of Masculinity "Integral?": Bert Parlee, William Harryman, Mark Forman, Pelle Billing, Diane Hamilton, Gilles Herrada
Either they are, which shows that the whole integral project is nonsense, or they aren’t, which shows that the way they have been presented as allies with the whole integral project is nonsense. The integral project is compromised, whichever way.
ReplyDeleteThe more important question: “Is Ken Wilber’s vision of masculinity integral?” In my book, Numen, Old Men I argue clearly not. Again, the integral project is compromised.