
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

7 Depression Busters for Men By Therese J. Borchard

Great article. As I have said many times here, depression looks much different in men than it does in women - and most doctors/therapists are trained to look for the symptoms most common in women.

Men generally manifest physical symptoms of depression because they have so little (again, in general) access to their emotions. From MenGetDepression:

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Depression has a number of signs and symptoms. Sometimes men or those closest to them, may not see the signs. Men are each affected in different ways, but three of the most common signs are pain, risk taking, and anger.


Depression may show up as physical signs like constant headaches, stomach problems, or pain that doesn’t seem to be from other causes or that doesn’t respond to normal treatments.

Risk Taking

Sometimes depressed men will start taking risks like dangerous sports, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, and casual sex.


Anger can show itself in different ways like road rage, having a short temper, being easily upset by criticism, and even violence. Here are some other common signs, especially if they last for a few weeks or months:

  • Feeling guilty, worthless, or that you always fail
  • Feeling restless and/or irritable
  • Having no energy
  • Problems sleeping (not sleeping or sleeping too much)
  • Feeling angry or violent
  • Feeling like you can’t work or get things done
  • Using alcohol or drugs to feel better
  • Sexual inability
  • Losing interest in hobbies, work, and/or sex
  • Having problems focusing, remembering, or making choices
  • Missing work, class, or appointments
  • Not caring about anything or feeling “blank”
  • Always feeling sad or nervous
  • Changes in appetite and/or weight
  • Working too much
  • Feeling alone
  • Being negative about everything
  • Thinking about death or suicide
Once identified, it is fully treatable, generally without meds.

7 Depression Busters for Men

By Therese J. Borchard

depression busters for men.jpg

In Spring 2006 the depression of two very successful men made newspaper headlines in Maryland: Phil Merrill, a renowned publisher, entrepreneur and diplomat in the Washington area took his own life. Eleven days later Montgomery County Executive Douglas Duncan withdrew his candidacy for governor of Maryland because of his struggle with depression.

For weeks, newspapers covered male depression, including the stories of Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Archbishop Raymond Roussin, Mike Wallace, William Styron, Art Buchwald, and Robin Williams.

That was unusual. Because, in the majority of media stories and infomercials, depression is regarded as a feminine thing … a result of all of the hormonal shifts and baby-making stuff. The reality? Six million men, or seven percent of American men, suffer from depression, and millions more suffer silently because they either don’t recognize the symptoms, which can vary from women’s, or they are too ashamed to get help for what they see as a woman’s disease. These 7 techniques were written for men to address the hidden desperation so many feel, and to expose the truth about mood disorders and gender.

Read the article to get the details, but here are the basic seven tips.

1. Get a male perspective.
2. Identify the symptoms.
3. Limit the alcohol.
4. Watch the stress.
5. Help another dude.
6. Find an outlet.
7. Tend to the marriage.

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