
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Career Values Inventory - Life Values?

I took the free, quick career values inventory from (I just finished a career and vocational counseling class) and found the results interesting - not so much the values, but the job matches they came up with.

Knowing our values around work can be essential to choosing a career - no one ever told me that when I was young. But knowing our values in the rest of our life is even more important - no one ever told me that one either.

Anyway, here are my career values scores (none of which is surprising - and they are pretty general values):
Introduction to the Theory of Work Values

The twenty cards you were asked to sort represent unique work needs or underlying motivators that can be used to predict job satisfaction. (Your scores on these twenty individual work needs are presented in detail in the Career Comparisons & CareerMatch™ sections of this report, where you'll be able to discover how well your work values match up with that of 900 different careers.) The Theory of Work Values groups these twenty specific needs into six broad themes (or clusters) that highlight a pattern of importance. By grouping statistically similar work needs, the model provides a way for us to more easily conceptualize what motivates us at work.

There are six core work values. They are described below and rank-ordered according to your scores, from highest to lowest. Work values are presented on a scale from 1 to 5 and depicted by stars. For more information on Work Values Clusters – its theory, history and statistics – please refer to the section on Methodology.


People who score high in the Independence cluster should look for jobs where they are left to do things on own initiative. These people also value creativity and the freedom to work alone. They should explore work where they can make decisions on their own. The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Creativity, Responsibility and Autonomy.

Your Score: (4.7)


People who score high in the Achievement cluster should look for jobs that let them use their best abilities. It's also important that they look for work where they can see the results of their efforts directly. They should explore jobs where they can get a strong feeling of accomplishment. The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Ability Utilization and Achievement.

Your Score: (4.0)


People who score high in the Relationships cluster should look for jobs where their co-workers are likely to be friendly and supportive. They should also look for work that lets them be of service to others. These people should explore jobs that do not compromise their personal morals, or sense of right and wrong. The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.

Your Score: (3.7)


People who score high in the Support cluster should look for jobs where the company stands behind its workers and where the workers are comfortable with management’s style of supervision. These people should explore work in companies with a reputation for competent, considerate, and fair management. The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical.

Your Score: (3.0)

Working Conditions

People who score high in the Working Conditions cluster should consider pay, job security, and good working conditions when looking at jobs. They should also look for work that suits their personal work style. Some people like to be busy all the time, or work alone, or have many different things to do. These people should explore jobs where they can take best advantage of their particular work style. The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Activity, Compensation, Independence, Security, Variety and Working Conditions.

Your Score: (2.3)


People who score high in the Recognition cluster should explore jobs with good possibilities for advancement. They should look for work with prestige or with the potential for leadership. These people value status and should look toward careers that fulfill that need. The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Advancement, Authority, Recognition and Status.

Your Score: (1.3)
So that's cool - but then I looked at the job matches for my scores. I found this part interesting (this is just the top of the list):

For the record:
Jobs I have had/am working toward
Jobs I have wanted/thought about seriously
Astronomers 73%
Soil & Plant Scientists 70%
Geologists & Geoscientists 69%
Choreographers 68%
Sociologists 68%
Mathematicians 68%
Hydrologists 68%
Geographers 67%
Archeologists 66%
Historians 66%
Animal Scientists 65%
Audio-Visual Collections Specialists 65%
Statisticians 65%
Biologists 65%
Economists 64%
Materials Scientists 64%
Anthropologists 64%
Athletic Trainers 63%
Operations Research Analysts 63%
Environmental Scientists & Specialists 63%
Biochemists & Biophysicists 63%
Educational, Vocational & School Counselors 62%
Librarians 62%
Music Directors 62%
Graduate Teaching Assistants 62%
Prosthodontists 61%
School Psychologists 61%
Product Safety Engineers 61%
Zoologists & Wildlife Biologists 60%
Clinical Psychologists 59%
Counseling Psychologists 59%
Medical & Public Health Social Workers 58%
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Social Workers 58%
Mental Health Counselors 58%
Substance Abuse & Behavioral Disorder Counselors 58%
Physicists 58%
It clearly does not include aptitude, or all the math/dance/music stuff would be gone. But I found it interesting how many jobs I have had or wanted are reflected in the scoring.

I think a values inventory can be very useful in helping us look at career options, but it can also be a good tool for helping us see our life's direction in general.

You can download a sample values inventory here - even this basic sample test can help you see your values more clearly. Here is a brief introduction to their instrument, but it also serves as a good statement of the roles our values play in shaping our lives.

Your values are the lenses through which you view yourself and your world. They serve as a foundation for your self-evaluation and your evaluations of others. They influence your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. They also shape organizational culture.

As values develop they are crystallized and prioritized to form a values system. In essence, they form your own "personal truth" from which self-esteem, fulfillment and resilience develop. The Life Values Inventory (LVI) was developed to help individuals and organizations clarify their values and serve as a blueprint for effective decision-making and optimal functioning.

Do you know your values?

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