
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Prostate Cancer Starts with the Plastic Baby Bottle

Researchers said their prostate cancer findings in mice are directly relevant to babies' health.

Bisphenol A has been shown over and over again to be an endocrine disruptor, a chemical that messes with our gender hormones and leads to a variety of cancers. Yet most governments have refused to force manufacturers to remove the chemical from their products.

It has become a socio-economic issue because many companies are voluntarily creating products without biphenol A, but they tend to cost more, so those with limited income or little awareness of this issue are still using products with these toxic and deadly chemicals.

The newest study shows that male babies who drink from bottles containing this chemical are at higher risk of prostate cancer later in life. Certainly, this is just a correlation - there is no way to prove cause and effect over that span of time. But it adds to the already enormous body of evidence that this chemical is deadly.

My other posts on this topic can be found with the xenoestrogens label.

Here is a bit of the article from The Daily Mail Online (follow the link to read the whole article):

A gender-bending chemical found in babies' bottles may raise their odds of prostate cancer in later life, scientists have warned.

In experiments, newborn rats fed bisphenol A, a building-block of many commonly-used plastics, were more likely to develop pre-cancerous cells as they aged.

With chemical levels similar to those commonly found in the human body, the researchers said their findings are directly relevant to babies' health.

Their warning comes just a week after the European food watchdog said that the amounts of the chemical we are exposed to in day-to-day life are too low to do any harm.

The Food Standards Agency also said that bisphenol A does not carry a risk but the latest study raises fresh concerns about the compound which is also found in CD cases, tin can linings, sunglasses, plastic knives and forks, mobile phones and dental sealants.

The American researchers showed that giving newborn rats the chemical raised their odds of developing cellular damage that can lead to prostate cancer in later life. Both mouth drops and injections were equally damaging.

University of Illinois researcher Gail Prins said: 'There was no difference in the number of lesions, whether the bisphenol A was given by injection or orally, the prostate pathology was the same.

'It mattered nothing which way it was given.'

This is important, because it many previous studies which have focused on jabs have been criticised for not being true to life and their results downplayed.

The latest research suggests that the damage seen in such experiments also occurs when we access it through food and drink.

Bisphenol A has previously been linked to fertility problems, breast cancer, prostate cancer and heart attacks.

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