Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Woman's View on 3 Myths About Masculinity in Relationships

Liz Leia (Getting Inside a Woman) is a relationships coach (an expert on dating and attraction, whatever that means). Still, I found this to be an interesting "woman's view" on how men get it wrong in listening to some of the masculinity experts (point three is aimed directly at David Deida). She explains three common myths that men have taken on about how to be more masculine in relationships.

My deeper sense is that the real issue is that too many men feel they have to be or do something in order to be attractive to women. They have to have "game," or some other nonsense, but what most of the women I know really want a man to know who he is and not feel the name to wear any kind of mask.

3 Myths About Masculinity in Relationships

August 26, 2011 By Liz Leia

Have you ever heard the idea that in order to attract women and be successful in a relationship, that you need to get in touch with your masculine energy (Maybe you’ve heard that from yours truly)?

Well, this is definitely true; many men end up in the friend zone or in sexually unfulfilling relationships because they are uncomfortable with their own masculinity.

That being said, I’ve also seen way too many men screw up their relationships because they can take certain beliefs about being masculine to the extreme.

Even men who understand masculinity don’t always understand women (go figure!). :)

Here are 3 common beliefs that many men hold about what it means to “be a real man” that are actually killing their relationships and ability to attract women.

Whether you’re well-versed in the study of masculinity or not, if you would like to create a happy, healthy, and drama-free relationship with a woman, then read on…
  • Masculinity Myth #1: You Don’t Need or Want Anything From Her  
  • Masculinity Myth #2. You Must Remain A Grounded, Unmovable Statue During Her Emotional Storms
  • Masculinity Myth #3. You Must Choose Your Life’s Purpose Over The Relationship 

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