
Monday, February 20, 2012

Call for Submissions - Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex and Power

I found this call for papers at Who You Calling Boy? Theorizing Masculinity. Since then I have seen it a couple of other places as well. Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power is not really a "trade" title - you are more likely to see it on the syllabus for a gender studies class than in your local independent bookstore. On the other hand, they are not looking for scholars and academics, necessarily, either, but well-written papers from people who are living with these issues.

Here is the publisher's text from the first edition:
Men Speak Out is a collection of essays written by and about pro-feminist men. In the essays, which feature original, lively and accessible prose, anti-sexist men make sense of their gendered experiences in today’s culture.

The authors tackle the issues of feminism, growing up male, recognizing masculine privilege, taking action to change the imbalance of power and privilege and the constraints that men experience in confronting sexism. They describe their successes and challenges in bucking patriarchal systems in a culture that can be unsupportive of - or downright hostile to - a pro-feminist perspective.

In these chapters, a diverse group of men reflect on growing up, share moments in their day-to-day lives, and pose serious questions about being a pro-feminist male living, working, thinking, and learning in a sexist society.
There is a clear slant toward pro-feminist men, which leaves out the whole MRA crowd (although I disagree with them, their voice needs to be included in some of these books as well). I really do not consider myself a feminist anymore as much I feel I am a supporter of equality between sexes/genders at all levels (is there a word for that?).

Call for Submissions - Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex and Power 

•Revised second edition• (Routledge)
Deadline: March 30, 201

How can we better understand and imagine new possibilities for men and feminism? Are you a guy who hates sexism? Do you call yourself a feminist? Have you spent hours over coffee (or beer or on blogs) debating issues of gender, power, race, class, and sexuality? Are you involved with social justice activism? Have you grappled with accountability, imperfection, and social change? If so, then you have stories to tell and I’d like to hear what you have to say. I am collecting essays for a revised second edition of Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power (Routledge). I’m interested in first-person accounts of growing up male and identifying with — or questioning the ideals of — feminism. Stories about pivotal moments in personal or political change are especially welcome. You don’t have to call yourself a feminist to have a relevant story. There are so many directions your essay can take, but I am NOT looking for an academic essay. No citations, no footnotes. I AM looking for thought-provoking stories written in your own unique voice using language you actually use when you talk with your friends.

You can use personal stories, things that happened to you, things that people said to you, or that you said to them (or wish you had … or hadn’t.) I am looking for a wide range of experience and perspectives on men and masculinity.

This book respects the risk involved in being willing to critically investigate gender, sex, and power — especially when this isn’t what some people expect from guys. There are lots of good books written by and about feminist women. Men Speak Out is written by, for, and about men and male-identified contributors. The revised second edition will add compelling new perspectives on culture, society, masculinity, feminism, women’s/gender studies, social justice, and anti-sexist movements.

Your essays and stories may reflect on growing up, they might focus on a day-in-the-life vignette, they might explore experiences with racism or homophobia, or they might pose questions that you’ve asked yourself about not power-tripping as a man in a sexist society. These questions might not have answers and this is entirely okay. This is your story in your own words and only you can tell it. The focus, content, and tone is up to you and based on your own thoughts, experiences, concerns, fears, hopes, struggles, and surprises.

Themes and topics of particular interest are included below:

Technology and Social Media — Do you have experiences with gender issues and social media that you want to share? Think: blogging, trolls, Facebook, dating, and organizing for action.

Culture and Society — Are you an artist, musician, rock fan, or hip-hop head? Do you have compelling stories about gender and sexuality in the scene? Was there a time in school, at work, or among your family and friends where you had to grapple with issues of gender, race, sexuality, and power? Was there a time you spoke up about sexism or violence — or a time you wish you had?

Sexuality — Has pornography impacted you or your friends? Are you a feminist man working in the sex industry? How are you affected by the politics of porn?

Family — Do you have a story to tell about being a father, a son, or boyfriend, husband, or partner? Did you grow up with a non-custodial mother? Did you hire a surrogate to start a family? Are you a full-time dad? Do you wish you were?

Masculinity at Work — Do you work in a job where masculinity is an issue? This topic could take plenty of different and unexpected directions.

Masculinity and Identity — What is your experience of masculinity from a transgender, gender-queer, cisgendered or queer perspective? Do you love sports and reject sexism? Were you in the military, prison, or a gang? What does it mean to invite questions of race and men in relation to feminism?

Gender Dilemmas and Social Change — If you want to ally with feminism but you’re not sure what you, as a male, can do, describe this dilemma. Are you wondering if you’re even entitled to be participate since you’re not a woman and don’t quite know how it feels? How have you made a difference or participated in progressive change? Did you radically change your mind or your life because of shifting views on gender, sex, and power? How have you grappled with accountability, imperfection, and social change? These stories may involve a commitment to large-scale politics, personal reflection, or activities in everyday life.

DEADLINE: March 30, 2012
LENGTH: 2,000 to 3,500 words.

FORMAT: Essays must be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, paginated, double spaced, with standard margins. For full consideration, submit full essays, a brief bio (75-100 words), and complete contact information. Send submissions in .doc or .docx attachment.

SUBMITTING: Send to Shira Tarrant at Include Men Speak Out 2e Submission in the subject line. Essays must conform to these complete guidelines for full consideration.

Feel free to pass this call for submissions to friends you think may be interested in this project. Although submitting an essay does not guarantee it will be published, doing so early in the process definitely gives you an advantage, and it does ensure that you have a pivotal role in shaping this book.

Shira Tarrant received her doctorate in political science from UCLA and she is an associate professor with the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department at California State University, Long Beach. Her books include Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex and Power (Routledge), When Sex Became Gender (Routledge), Men and Feminism (Seal Press), and Fashion Talks: Undressing the Power of Style (SUNY Press, forthcoming). Read more at

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