
Friday, March 30, 2012

David Wong - 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

Cracked is one of my favorite sites. They have turned making lists into an art form. Usually, their lists are heavy on humor, but they also impart information. This one takes a hard look at the ways males are socialized to conceptualize women. It's not pretty.

One note: I think of this more as fearing women, or their power, than hating women. 

Here is a little humor to lighten the mood - Sex as Understood by an Adolescent Boy, by Rachel Bloom, Jack Dolgen | March 26th, 2012

Sex as Understood by Adolescent Boys -- powered by

5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

If you're not the type to keep up with ugly, soul-killing political controversies, let me catch you up: A while back, hugely popular political commentator Rush Limbaugh lost a bunch of advertisers because he publicly called a college girl a slut and a prostitute after she suggested that health insurance plans should cover birth control. But he's paid to say outrageous things. If you really want to feel all dead inside, you need to listen to what the regular folk were saying.

For instance, on crazy political message board, posters referred to the girl in the above-referenced story (Sandra Fluke) as a "Nasty, disease-ridden plodding uterus, an utter skank crack-ho filthy whore, a prostitute slutbag juice-receptacle" and a "Sperm-burpin' gutter slut," and said she "... is so encrusted and used, that I had to throw out my flat-panel TV because her appearance on my TV infected it with AIDS, gonorrhea and syphilis." There are many, many more worse comments collected here and here and here.

Now go to the front page of any mostly male discussion site like and see how many inches you can browse before finding several thousand men bemoaning how all women are gold-digging whores (7,500 upvotes) and how crazy and irrational women are (9,659 upvotes) and how horrible and gross and fat women are (4,000 upvotes). Or browse the "Men's Rights" section and see weird fantasies about alpha males defeating all the hot women who try to control them with their vaginas.

This current of white-hot rage has to come as a surprise to some of you, because we tend to think "sexism" is being dismissive toward women, or paying them lower salaries -- we don't think of it as frenzied "burn the witch!" hatred. Yet occasionally something like this Limbaugh thing will come along to prick that balloon, and out it pours. Like it's always waiting there, a millimeter below the surface.

Why? Well, you see ...
Read more: 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women |

Here are the five ways . . . but be sure to go read the article.

#5. We Were Told That Society Owed Us a Hot Girl

#4. We're Trained from Birth to See You as Decoration

#3. We Think You're Conspiring With Our Boners to Ruin Us

#2. We Feel Like Manhood Was Stolen from Us at Some Point

#1. We Feel Powerless

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