
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Survey Request - Males' Expectations of Counseling

I found this survey through Boysen Hodgson on Facebook, I am assuming they won't mind the added exposure in generating responses, so if you also have blog that reaches men, please consider re-posting this.

Here is the consent form, the link will take you to the page where you can begin the survey.

Adult Consent Form

Western Michigan University
Department of: Counselor Education Counseling Psychology
Principal Investigator: Lonnie E. Duncan, Ph.D.
Student Investigator: Sheryl Kelly, M.A.

You have been invited to participate in a research project entitled "Males’ Expectations of Counseling." This research is intended to study what men expect to encounter when in a counseling session. This project is Sheryl Kelly’s dissertation project. This consent document will explain the purpose of this research project and will go over all of the time commitments, the procedures used in the study, and the risks and benefits of participating in this research project. Please read this consent form carefully and completely and please ask any questions if you need more clarification.
What are we trying to find out in this study?

Research has consistently shown that men are less likely to seek counseling, harbor negative attitudes toward counseling, and are less willing than women to seek therapy for psychological problems regardless of culture, race, or ethnicity (Addis & Mahalik, 2003; McCarthy & Holliday, 2004; Smith, Tran, & Thompson, 2008). To address this, the present study will expand the current knowledge base on men and their counseling expectations.

Who can participant in this study?

Individuals that identify as a male, being at least 18 years of age, have at least a high school diploma or GED, and have access to the internet will be included in this study. You will be asked to provide general information about yourself, such as age, race, level of education received, education status, socioeconomic status, type of area raised in, and previous counseling experience. If the results of the questionnaires indicate that you are less than 18 years of age, or have less than a high school diploma/GED you will be excluded from the study.
Where will this study take place?
Participants will be invited to complete a questionnaire, and provided with a link to the secure online website where the survey will be housed.

What is the time commitment for participating in this study?
Each participant will be asked to contribute approximately 45-50 minutes of time to complete the surveys.

What will you be asked to do if you choose to participate in this study?
Participants will be asked to provide informed consent and complete questionnaires. No specific identifying information (e.g., email, phone number, name) will be collected in this process. Questionnaire is to be anonymous.

What information is being measured during the study?
This research will seek to measure and better understand the counseling expectations of males. The information obtained from this study will be interpreted for clinical application and program training.

What are the risks of participating in this study and how will these risks be minimized?
Minimal risk should be present, as the subject will be completing an anonymous online survey. As in all research, there may be unforeseen risks to the participant. No compensation or treatment will be made available to the subject.

What are the benefits of participating in this study?
This research would be beneficial to the field of counseling psychology as well as the population being studied. The data obtained from this study will provide counseling psychologists with insight into the expectations of males, and possibly provide the participants with insight into their thoughts about counseling.

Are there any costs associated with participating in this study?
There are no monetary costs associated with participating cost. Participation in this study will cost each of the participants approximately 45-50 minutes of their time.

Is there any compensation for participating in this study?
No compensation or treatment will be made available to the subject.

Who will have access to the information collected during this study?
Only the student and principal investigator will have access to the information collected. To participate in this anonymous survey, participants will not be required to provide any identifying information such as name or date of birth. Potential participants will complete the anonymous survey on a secure web page that can be accessed via invitation only. Upon gathering all necessary data to conduct study all surveys and subsequently web site will be removed from the internet. Subject identification will be made with a number. Data will be retained for no more than 3 years. Data will remain on a password protected flash drive/personal computer during statistical analysis period Following proper statistical analysis results of data will be presented a part of student investigator’s dissertation defense.
What if you want to stop participating in this study?
You can choose to stop participating in the study at anytime for any reason. You will not suffer any prejudice or penalty by your decision to stop your participation. You will experience NO consequences either academically or personally if you choose to withdraw from this study.

If you have any questions or concerns about this study, you may contact either Sheryl Kelly, M.A. or Lonnie E. Duncan, Ph.D. at 269-387-5152. You may also contact the chair of Human Subjects Institutional Review Board at 269-387-8293 or the vice president for research at 269-387-8298 with any concerns that you have.

This consent has been approved by the Western Michigan University Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (HSIRB) on July 31, 2012. Do not participate after July 31, 2013.
Go to the survey.

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