Gender Roles
MAY 27 2013

- Kara W. Swanson (Northeastern): The End of Men, Again.
- A marriage mystery: Why aren't more wives out-earning their husbands?
- Man-pleasing and feminism: How much is too much when it comes to “dressing for him”?
- From The Atlantic Monthly, Benjamin Schwarz on the rise and fall of charm in American men: Few possess it, and few want to — explaining men's ambivalent relationship with an amoral virtue; and Karen vs. Kevin: Nicole Allan on the persistence of pro-male gender bias.
- Unexcited? There may be a pill for that: Daniel Bergner on the pharmaceutical quest to give women a better sex life (and more and more).
- Don't “shrink it and pink it” if you want to appeal to women: Emma Sinclair reviews The Daring Book for Boys in Business by Jane Cunningham and Philippa Roberts.
- What if gender roles in advertising were reversed?
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