As is usually the case, The Onion says things many people think but would seldom say out loud, and sadly, this is one of those things.
Report: Rising Number Of Weak, Emasculated Men Working As Stay-At-Home Dads
News With Video
• Lifestyle • ISSUE 50•05 • Feb 6, 2014
WASHINGTON—According to a report released Thursday by the Pew Research Center, a steadily increasing number of weak, emasculated men—if you can still even call them men—are choosing to forego a career and stay at home to raise their children. “Our research shows that thousands of American men—all of whom are pitifully frail and impotent—are leaving the workforce to debase themselves by preparing lunches and tending to their children, ultimately rejecting their role as the family breadwinner in favor of what is effectively gender reassignment,” said head researcher Paul Lopez, noting that the growing ranks of meek, delicate little husbands and fathers often spent their entire days embarrassing themselves and their sex by cleaning, shopping for groceries, and in some extreme cases, folding laundry. “While their anatomy would suggest that, yes, in purely biological terms these are males, their wholesale renunciation of their masculinity has relegated them to the status of subservient, ineffectual nothings who might as well be castrated since that is what they clearly desire anyway.” The report also described a correlated trend of repellent, overly aggressive, testosterone-crazed mothers flooding the corporate world.
I'm not a stay at home Dad so that's not where I'm coming from, but whomever wrote this piece of ultra macho garbage ought to keep opinions in the realm where they belong and not confuse them with real research.
Hi Robert - this piece is satire, it's from The Onion. They are making fun of the back-assward people who actually do think this way.
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