Thursday, July 21, 2011

Secret Lives of Men - Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation with Dan Siegel

I have been posting material in support of Dan Siegel's work at my other blog (IOC) for several years, so I am glad to have a chance to post this interview with Siegel, conducted by Chris Blazina at the Secret Lives of Men podcast. Good stuff.

Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

by Secret Lives of Men

Tue, Jul 12, 2011

Dan Siegel (The Developing Brain, The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being, The Mindful Therapist, Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation) combines Western neuroscience with Eastern meditation in an exciting exploration of how a troubled mind can right itself. Drawing on current science and case studies, Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, reinforces the idea that the power of reflection allows us to approach, rather than withdraw, from whatever life brings us. And learning to stay with a feeling, even a threatening one, is the beginning of discovering that this emotion is just a set of neural firings in our brain. But there is also enormous hope—that therapy, sometimes even without medication, can guide a patient through life. Siegel's method isn't a quick fix and doesn't sugarcoat reality: The mindful traits of serenity, courage and wisdom involve accepting our place in the order of things. He challenges his patients to a life of tough work and convincingly suggests it will be well worth the effort.

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