Saturday, February 7, 2009

The New Man Episode 48 - Steve Pavlina: Playing it "Safe" Is Like Living in a Locked Box

I've resisted posting this episode of The New Man because, plainly stated, I don't much like Steve Pavlina. He was kind enough (as part of his viral marketing campaign) to send me a review copy of his recent book, Personal Growth for Smart People, which I read and chose not to review on my other blog (IOC).

When I read his work, I sense a lot of "the secret" style of belief - reality is a function of our beliefs - which is both partially true and completely false. I have serious issues with this, as I note in the link.

Pavlina is the most popular "personal growth" blogger on the web, which indicates he is saying something people need to hear. However, I find him often pushing a personal agenda (raw foods, polyamory) more than speaking to the basic needs of most readers (as he did in the past), but maybe that's just my bias.

Anyway, he was recently interviewed on The New Man, so here is that podcast.

Episode 48: Steve Pavlina: Playing it "safe" is like living in a locked box

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Are you playing it safe, but feeling trapped in the life you have created for yourself?

How do you know when it's time to move on from a job, a relationship, or even the town you live in?

Steve Pavlina has some unique and profound suggestions to help us out with that. Tripp and Steve agree that often times the best strategy to victory in life's battles, "burn the boats behind us!"

In this weeks show Steve shares with us:

  • What he means by "burning the ships behind us, but not the food and supplies"

  • How a brief trip to jail re-framed his life and set him on the path to create the "best personal development website"

  • Why the "safe" that protects us, can quickly become the "safe" that imprisons us.

  • How his strategy for setting goals is different, and more effective than other mainstream approaches.

  • What Steven Covey means by his insistence that we go for "win-win" or "no deal."

  • Where courage comes from, why it is essential, and how to get more of it.

Listen as Steve takes us into his work of no-nonsense personal development and how our efforts to grow can bring us exactly what we want out of life.

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